Friday, January 13, 2012

WEEK # 42 / Tulips in a Bronze Vase

Tulips in a Bronze Vase
James Aponovich
Oil on panel, 7" x 5", 2012

The central theme of the new, large painting that I am working on, now titled
Appledore Still Life , Incoming Fog, is a blue cloisonne vas loaded with heavy parrot tulips.This painting , Tulips in a Bronze Vase, is a study for that painting. It now has a life of it's own.


The flowers are in a bronze vase that I recently found in an antique shop. I love the surface and the historical significance of bronze, an ancient alloy of tin and copper. In portraying the tulips I am aiming to accentuate their physical appearance, how gravity presses them one onto another.
Each flower is delicate and fragile, their petals tear easily. The metal vase is heavy, cold and hard, the ultimate contrast. The background is dark, the flowers burning embers. For a small painting it is very, very heavy.

2012 copyright James Aponovich
All content, text and images copyright James Aponovich and cannot be used without permission.

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